Before we start
- use cursor keys or mouse to navigate
- press f for full screen
But why?
Other presentation tools
- are too complicated for occasional speakers
- are bloated
- are ugly
- are hard to customize
- don’t render my content correctly
- keep breaking
I like writing, but producing slides is giving me angst. Before every
conference, I try a new tool, without much success.
Some things I have tried
- LaTeX Beamer: complicated syntax, very fragile, huge software stack,
not very agile, hard to customize, hard to include images, videos
This is still a respectable tool, but we can do better.
Some things I have tried
- DocBook Slides: verbose syntax, hard to customize, dated look
I like the idea of standardized markup, but the implementation is
dated and hard to work with.
Some things I have tried
- OpenOffice: WYSIWYG is frustrating, consistent formatting is
Gets the job done, but not what I’m aiming for.
Some things I have tried
- Showoff: huge Ruby stack
keeps breaking, nonstandard Markdown syntax, hard to fix things when
the formatting doesn't work
This was the right idea, but it kept breaking.
Some things I have tried
- reveal.js: huge codebase, kept
truncating my code samples, a lot of work to customize
Again, right idea, but it shouldn’t be that complicated.
I don’t ask for much
- tools that don’t break
- version-controllable
- easy to customize
- but no customization necessary
- simple syntax
- standardized formats
No dependencies
- I don’t want to live in fear of having to debug a Ruby or NPM stack
the night before a presentation.
- I’d like my presentation to still work in two, three, or six years.
Standardized formats
- Markdown and/or HTML
- let the browser handle the rest:
- images
- videos
- math markup?
- your custom JavaScript magic?
It’s not that hard!
- standard Markdown/CommonMark processor, plus
- <100 lines of plain CSS, plus
- <120 lines of plain JavaScript, plus
- browser
= complete presentation tool
Little code, lots of features
- keyboard, mouse, and touch navigation
- supports some presenter remotes (if they produce key events)
- easy full screen mode
- direct links to slides (URL fragments)
- printing/PDF support
- source code highlighting
Source code highlighting
example with highlight.js:
# a comment
if i > 0
puts "positive"
Not supported/not planned
- speaker notes
- speaker clock
- incremental revealing
- slide transitions
I have never seen Al Gore or Steve Jobs use speaker notes. Just
Final remark
- Don’t write presentation slides like I did here.
- This is a “presentation” for reading on the web, not for presenting.
Good bye
Postscript: Table test
th |
th |
td |
td |
td |
td |